Hello, I would like to ask for assistance with the following error I encountered while using this tool. How can I resolve it?
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
Today I visited your app [FoodFire](https://foodfire-app.netlify.app/) for second time. The website always on skeleton ui loading stage.
Todo on Beryllium: Implement score compiuting in OrgCheck API component
After release of databricks-sql-connector 3.0.0 receiving error sqlalchemy.types has no attribute 'Uuid' when using:
from langchain.sqldatabase import SQLDatabase
db = SQLDatabase.from_databricks(…
The following issue aims to run all `python unit tests` for the current release candidate, report the results, and open new issues for any encountered errors.
## Python unit tests information
| …
[9/16] Building ASM_MASM object loader/CMakeFiles/loader-unknown-chain.dir/unknown_ext_chain_masm.asm.obj
FAILED: loader/CMakeFiles/loader-unknown-chain.dir/unknown_ext_chain_masm.asm.obj
ml -…
The following issue aims to run all `python unit tests` for the current release candidate, report the results, and open new issues for any encountered errors.
## Python unit tests information
| …
|Wazuh version|Component|
| 4.5.3 | Wazuh API |
## Description
Support for nested queries in API requests was added in this PR:
- https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/pull/18493
### Package name
### Package version
Latest alpha
### Reproduction steps
Generate an api library using the newly schematic `ng generate sdk` and use a spec yaml file that contains a…
**Parent issue:**
- https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/22888
## Description
The goal of this spike is to investigate the necessary steps to separate the Wazuh agent from the manager, enablin…