We replaced `kable` with `xtable` because `kable` was creating problems with Brazil vignette output (see #12) but now we discovered that `xtable` is awful for inline rendering and live demos (because …
Tais linhas foram removidas das demos do SU criadas previamente, por conterem
erros que ainda não foram corrigidos.
Agrupadas em um único pacote com função de backup.
Original issue reporte…
I am first suggesting before writing any code, but I do intend on making a small pull request to show you how I imagine it.
[Storybook](https://github.com/storybooks/storybook) is a library that ge…
I can't get any demo to work
Per patternfly/patternfly-react#6692 a \`\`\`ts specified code block is unable to be used with some TypeScript demos.
In GitLab by @david.yoga on Sep 6, 2022, 15:04
It would be excellent if the in each `Demos/../README.md` there would be an attached screenshot of the demo itself (i.e. before and after images)
### Request Description
"Hello, I'm trying out the example on the official OpenVino website: Open Model Zoo Demos -> Gaze Estimation Demos. I have a few questions as follows and would like to ask you…
$ pkg install -n mesa-demos
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking integrity... done (1 conflicting)
- mesa-de…
### Title
Empowering Machine Learning with Python: From Data to Decisions!
### Describe your Talk
In this 10-minute talk, we'll explore how Python has revolutionized machine learning, enabling deve…
RCon or server command could be `trigger_python_file`
Essentially, it would be similar to `exec` command, but instead of `.cfg` files with TW server commands only, it would execute/run the Python s…