**Is your feature request related to a problem?**
It's not related to a problem
**Describe the solution you'd like**
Not sure if it's possible for k8s, but there are some state less APIs from sa…
Add a page to the controllers section of the Cluster API book that covers the high level workings of the [clusterClass controller](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/blob/main/controllers/…
1. Replace current uses of `corev1.ObjectReference` with more appropriate types
***Non-Goals/Future Work***
1. Modify other types used
**User Story**
As a consumer of Cluster AP…
As I understand it, the TOC is starting to review projects with a consideration to reassess their level in the CNCF or even to remove them altogether. I wanted to bring the Notary V2 project to the T…
### Problem description
We've been using given workflow for a while now, but due to network design considerations we need Terraform to run from within our VPC, which means we had to transition to a…
# Umbrella issue: k8s.gcr.io => registry.k8s.io solution #1834
This markdown is synced from https://hackmd.io/gN-1GeSpSgyNSvmjKSULbg?edit to https://github.com/kubernetes/k8s.io/issues/1834#issue-8…
**This is a Bug Report**
In reading the k8s documentation, I found that a large number of documents translate namespace to `名字空间`
在阅读k8s文档中,发现大量的文档将namespace 翻译成 `名字空间`
but in practice, …
### Environment
Device and OS: System76 Darter Pro, Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS
App version: v0.25.0-rc2
Kubernetes distro being used: k3d
### Steps to reproduce
kind: Zarf…
### Description
### Context
ODH Highlander is a project to bring modular dynamic libraries and applications to OpenShift. It solves the issue of container images sprawling in large shared environmen…
I thought that kube-apiserver utilized gRPC client-side load balancing. I see in the [Operating etcd clusters for Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-upgrade-etcd…