When starting chromecast_mpris, it sometimes (most times, but not always) mutes my Chromecast. I also get this when I run it (but this is also shown when it doesn't mute my Chromecast, so it shouldn't…
Model: iPad Mini2
OS: Mac OS 10.15.2
kraftdeMBP:Vieux kraft$ python3 vieux -i iPad_64bit_10.3.3_14G60_Restore.ipsw
### Subject of the issue
Working with git worktree via ruby-git corrupts repository index: previously clean original branch has files deleted/modified and reverse changes unstaged, new worktree has t…
### Describe the Bug
Using the new release, e.g.:
"devDependencies": {
"react-email": "3.0.2"
"dependencies": {
"@react-email/components": "0.0.26",
"react": "18.2.0",
| | |
| Bugzilla Link | [PR45394](https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45394) |
| Status | NEW |
| Importance | P enhancemen…
Can you please detail how to compile it under Linux? Is it in playable state?
The original Data disc is needed?
@samitolvanen did some work on intrumented PGO in https://android-review.googlesource.com/q/topic:android-4.14-pgo. We're probably not going to ship this in Android, but it might be interesting to sub…
An enhancement which changes the direction of the arrows would be very nice.
I have this mod but i cannot play at all (even though I've played stepmania
pretty much and consider myself skilled) b…
post [yaitaa](https://github.com/hatkidchan/yaitaa) on [r/unixporn](https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/) for reddit updoots and instant 9000 stars :)
現在、このレポジトリにはライセンスが明示されていないようです。 今後、より多くの人々からの貢献を得るためにも、ライセンスを明示することが良いと思われます。 特定のライセンスの下でレポジトリを公開することで、このレポジトリの付加価値をより高めることができます。
例えば、HTML や CSS、JavaScript などのソースコードの部分には MIT License などを適用し、画像や表現内容…