BRUSSELS—Depositors in Cypriot banks will be hit with a one-off tax on their
savings, as part of a €10 billion ($12.96 billion) bailout fo…
To review:
From: Jonas, Robert
Sent: Monday, 30 April, 2012 11:16 AM
To: 'Armstrong, Mark'
Cc: Lindstrom, Jimmie; Lemoussu, Jean-Philippe
Subject: FW: Aussie Tea House
Hi Mark,
We need some assistance for…
Hi, I want you to reconsider accepting DarkCoin donations because DarkCoins are more or less like Bitcoins only much less known, less widespread and harder to get. I know you choose DarkCoins because …
- [meetup](http://www.meetup.com/papers-we-love/events/214029542/)
- [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbIt245amAw)
- [audio](http://www.mixcloud.com/paperswelove/jeff-larson-on-t…
The drawer portion of a post is activated via a tap on the post. The drawer contains information regarding the price. It also contains a button that allows the user to purchase the post. This drawer c…
The mainstream DNS system has a major problem: domain hoarding. Namecoin seems to provide very little that solves this problem. While namecoin has a small fee for registering domains, the fee is so sm…
We have a new person in the top ten, @delpan, and I don't know who they are ... which is awesome! It means Gittip is growing! That said, the day will come when Gittip is used for fraud, and we need to…
Sign-up would enable a greatly expanded userbase.
Link would enable notifications (see, e.g., #88; see also #73 for GitHub notifications).
One thing that we felt was unique with balanced was that each "order" pool provided a separate escrow account in a grouping that would shield our marketplace from liabilities.
Unfortunately, we can't…