Refine the [USWDS write up](https://doimspp-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/elzie_mms_gov/EYUYvjY5MqRCrlemQ-q2nf0BbGrlTNLUv0E8Ip-sDlqafQ?e=ucKgnu) and add blog post
**Describe the bug**
When working with `.nrrd` files, `CacheDataset` throws an error during instantiation. However, if working in a jupyter notebook, executing the `CacheDataset` instantiation cell a…
- Tested OK on windows for release mode
- Was able to reproduce the issue in windows debug builds
Digital.gov’s User Experience (UX) community of practice is excited to announce that we are seeking submissions for presentations at the 2023 UX Summit. The summit will be held virtually on June 14, 2…
Should we maintain a list with "deprecated" packages (with, e.g., PaddedViews, ImagineFormat, NRRD, and MetaImageFormat. UnalignedVectors)? Or should the registry contain bounds such that these packag…
Research the location for tags that will allow Search.gov's in-house indexing to read tags and direct users to correct page. This will include tags for 2nd level tabs.
Split from #1403
**What's the problem this feature will solve?**
As described in https://github.com/BICCN/cell-locator/issues/107, @danielsf worked on a script allowing to re-create annotation based on the Json an…
Dear all
I am currently using 3D Slicer and its MONAILabel extension to train a segmentation model using the DeepEdit model from the predefined radiology app. Both manual segmentation and training …