> [my fork of module repository](https://github.com/hackyourfuturebelgium/behavior-strategy-implementation)
## Learning Objectives
Priorities: 🥚, 🐣, 🐥, 🐔 (click to learn more)
There is a …
Once we have addressed https://github.com/capstone-coal/pycoal/issues/118 we should really think about documenting the science data products in a formal way such that consumers are crystal clear on wh…
hi~ thanks for sharing your work
However , I meet some trouble when trying with my mesh
The mesh input I used is a multi-layered geologic body, as shown in the image below, which has five layers i…
我渴望邀请你加入我的参与式 Digital Archive 艺术计划《#MyFuckedUpCalendar》。在疫情面前,许多你曾经计划预定进你日历中的安排与我类似地,都接连被“取消”、“延期”。在消费主义盛行的当代社会,在晚期资本主义对 “时空连贯性”(Time-Space cohesion)的重新定义的格局下,“放鸽子”、“水一个局”、“消失爽约” 行为等不仅是对个人日常生活时间秩序的叙事语…
Disclaimer: I'm a native Chinese speaker, and I've been learning English as a foreign language. I don't have much education in political studies thus it's likely that I misunderstand some terms in the…
- [x] 🥚 User Empathy: You understand what user empathy is, and can use it to understand a classmate's needs and help them plan a home page.
- [x] 🥚 Design Cycle: You will be able to describe the desi…
### MVP
- [x] Create a study group
- [x] Select subject
- [x] Select class
- [ ] Number of initial members
- [x] Location (section of library)
- [x] Info gets sent to Firebase for instant se…
## Learning Objectives
Priorities: 🥚, 🐣, 🐥, 🐔 (click to learn more)
There is a lot to learn in this repository. If you can't master all the material
at once, that's expected! Anything you d…
public void onSoftEncodedData(byte[] es, long pts, boolean isKeyFrame) {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(es);
MediaCodec.BufferInfo vebi = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
I wonder whether it would be a broadly useful initiative to prepare and make easily available a document (or documents) demonstrating the application of FORM to solve introductory-level problems in el…