As Unicorn.Taf started to support netstandard and net 5.0 the reporter should also support them
As Unicorn.Taf started to support netstandard and net 5.0 the adapter should also support them
Hi @cloudxxx8 , @cherrycl ,
The url `**/api/v2/trigger**` shown in comes as a part of error while performing functional test for app-service.
`ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='…
I've installed the new version 1.6.1 and when I run my personal code obtain an error.
This is the my Python code:
`# Create the window
window = sg.Window('METAR and TAF Reader', layout)
Il m'est impossible de lancer le soft. Lorsque je lance atc.py, j'ai l'erreur :
Informations météo délivrées par metar-taf.com
Impossible d'importer les modules nécessaires. Exécut…
Hi Cloufield,
Hope you're great. I ran into an issue where plotting with m="qq" doesn't work while plotting m="mqq" on the exact same data works. Here is the error log for m="qq"
Wed Jun 21 15:4…
As Unicorn.Taf started to support netstandard and net 5.0 the runner should also support them
### System Info
- python 3.11
- linux
Initial report in this whisper discussion: https://github.com/openai/whisper/discussions/1623#discussioncomment-6879291
### Who can help?
_No respons…
Trouver des bonnes pratiques Tbio Dao et solidity sur les packages à mettre en place avec comme objectif qu'on puisse faire un lien parent enfant entre des ensembles techniques et/ou fonctionnels cohé…