Hey there,
I'm another RecTec lover (Bull) and really excited to come across this and wondering if you're interested in making this work for Home Assistant.
There are a few people over in the c…
I have done a couple of things.
1. Compiled the code as is on Ubuntu 21.10
2. ported the code to esp32
In both cases when I try and connect to two devices I have been controlling successfully o…
The command SHUTTERSETCLOSE description [in the wiki ](https://github.com/stefanbode/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Shutter-blinds-working-with-two-relays#calibrating) is very brief and needs some further explan…
for windows 10 i installed your app and selected the com port that my board was on.
then your app wouldn't connect to the board and said couldn't connect.
I can open putty or thonny and it will c…
Hi Tasmota Community,
I'm representing a project AI-Speaker.com, we are working on voice controlled automation platform that allow to be controlled locally and respect privacy. As a part of our pro…
First Raspberry Pi 5 testing images are available now on our download page: https://dietpi.com/#download
You can also find images with the new kernel/firmware package set for other RP…
scd30 sensor with ESP826 Wemos is not detected on Power cycle. The scd30 sensor is detected and readings are available on `restart 1`
**Follow the Troubleshooting Section**
Gestern habe ich meine OpenDTU nach längerer Zeit mal wieder mit einem Update versehen. Seitdem werden keine Werte mehr im VenusOS dagestellt. Folgende Fehlerme…
Hi trip5
Thanks for the invite!
Waiting for the unit to arrive, let's start with hardware and software required, as well as flashing wiring instructions.
drgkt updated
10 months ago
I still have the issue, that power controls always both the WS2812 LED stripe and the OLED display and transfer the discussion to an issue, I hope that is ok.
### Discussed in https://github.com/ar…