I replaced GeoExplorer with MapLoom in GeoNode following the instructions from django-maploom in GitHub( https://github.com/ROGUE-JCTD/django-maploom ).
When browser renders the template, dis…
Thanks to https://github.com/Unidata/thredds/pull/699, I can now explore the behavior of ncWMS2 on TDS5.0 much more easily, since my now datasets work!
I'm trying now to figure out how to specify …
**Reporter: pspencer@dmsolutions.ca**
**Date: 2003/10/22 - 19:54**
The discussion so far:
The desired functionality is to have the various OGC clients to detect a
ServiceException and push the i…
But GFI request outputs not in portal have different case
Wir würden gerne das WFS von QGIS Server als GeoJSON nutzen und das in LV95. Hier https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/25171 gab es schon Diskussionen mit dem Ergebnis, dass es zwar nicht zwingend dem …
When editing in Denmark, the satellite imagery from SDFE is most offen used. It's a free satellite imagery service provided by the state.
Every year a new map is released, the current one is 2020, OS…
Im trying to show Point features from a WFS :
Discussed in the 2020-11-26 SWG meeting.
The schemas OGC have are
http://schemas.opengis.net/ows/2.0/owsGetCapabilities.xsd contain GetCapabilities request (and response)