Hi everyone,
I have trained a custom model of 8 classes from the sl-yolov3-spp.cfg. Once I had the resulting weights, I wanted to test the mAP of the training. However, when I write the command:
How to understand the difference between
[yolov3-tiny.cfg](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/blob/master/cfg/yolov3-tiny.cfg) and [yolov3-tiny_3l](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/blob/mas…
@AlexeyAB hi!!!
I am training my own dataset with only one class. Dataset contains of **1k** labeled images and **1k** unlabeled(empty .txt file). Each images contains from 1 to 600 small objects.
I have been testing the speed of my custom trained yolov3-tiny with 4 classes, on a 2080ti (Turing) and a Xavier (Volta). However using xnor or INT8 both have
JC-13 updated
5 years ago
I would like to know if you had issues for tracking when a robot is following because, at least to me, the transform keeps jumping position from close to far as if there is no filter or somethi…
Great work! But do you have any performance result on COCO/PASCAL?
Can you please upload the weights that result to ultralytics yolov3 mAP reported in mAP section?
It seems like fine-tuning using those weights would be simpler than darknet pre-trained weights.
I try to train on open-image dataset with several diffrent ways but results are really bad.
model in detect.py, return negative anchors in some tries, or model detect nothing.
for example, I train o…
Hi AlexeyAB,
I download the yolov3-spp.cfg from below link, and I have some question to trouble you.
1, I found that the batch=1 and subdivisons=1, is it special mean? Can I set the batch=63 and…
Hi @AlexeyAB . I've learned a lot about YOLO by reading your answers here and the "How to improve object detection" section. I haven't managed to get it to detect many objects yet so I'm seeking your …