BPO | [46177](https://bugs.python.org/issue46177)
--- | :---
Nosy | @pfmoore, @tjguk, @zware, @zooba, @sweeneyde, @amine harrabi
Files | [Annotation 2021-12-25 165843.png](https://bugs.python.org/file…
### Describe the feature
I'm missing the `hotswap` deployment option in the CDK CLI that is mandatory for our use case.
### Use Case
We use a lambda to deploy state machines, without the `h…
Никогда не видел настолько плохо реализованный форк ХипХопа, и вот опять.
I face a big problem while running the task get_stocks_summary.py
I can get the original_df
Here're data
{'AOS': {'regularMarketOpen': '70.91', 'previousClose': '70.65', 'dayHigh': '71.…
**Comportement observé**
Dans l'orga CAP EMPLOI 971 de la Gualoupe, pour
- l'applicant 58476, on cherche à assigner le référent f.zadigue@capemploi971.com.
- l'applicant 58480, on cherche à assign…
### mpv version and platform
uname -r
### Reproduction steps
`mpv --ytdl-format http-720 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ykqgm`
### Expected behavior
i just installed it and tried to run the quickstart and got this error
ImportError: cannot import name 'UNICODE_EMOJI' from 'emoji.unicode_codes' (c:\Users\amine\Downloads\DataScienceNotebooks mas…
Beginning with sequence-based searches of the literature via PaperBLAST and using the sequences acquired from PomBase, UniProtKB
On Windows, using Jupyter:
UnicodeDecodeError Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~\anaconda3\envs\Tese\Lib\site-packages\hydra\_internal\instantiate\_instantiate2.p…
# Reaction scheme
![2023_BG_5A scheme](https://github.com/KlementineJBS/USYD_PhD_ELN/assets/78768991/4dab2291-4627-46ff-91f2-0a401c7429aa)
# Outcome