hello, is it possible to export textured mesh ?
When I compute the difference of two cubes with map from cubes with different chunksizes, the computation is done correctly and I can access the data but I can't use mapCube afterwards anymore. Tried…
I submitted a `filter_bands` process as so: `var red = builder.filter_bands(cubes, "B04")`, which is accepted and passed to backend (VITO). The process graph then contains
"filter1": {
Not sure if it's an artifact of them being above the ground. When I tried it, it looked like it wasn't quite grounded in the world.
published cubes don't pass validation for `schema:publisher`, `schema:creator` nor `schema:contributor` applied by https://github.com/zazuko/cube-link/blob/main/validation/standalone-cube-constraint.t…
I find myself constructing a lot of cubes and cubelists manually when I implement new functions to manipulate cubes.
Since these are core API objects, I suggest they should be moved from `iris.cube.C…
I was thinking that the BTS Ceiling Opening item could vary depending on the style. Here's some ideas:
-Clean/Original Clean: Current one, except that cubes would be going through the vactube.
1. Were the in-game instructions helpful in understanding the general idea of the game before properly starting?
2. Were the enemies troublesome? Did you have a hard time avoiding them?
3. How diffi…
Marching cubes is super fast, but very dumbly, just reading the meshes out is slow. We should fix this.
The Portal boots, beam&receiver, buttons, companion&redirection cubes, and [HEP](https://github.com/rogermiranda1000/PortalGun/issues/81) sender&receiver should have a custom 3d texture.