Hello @serengil. Thanks for the great repository.
The deepface.analyze() detects only one face when multiple faces are present in an image. Since deepface seems to use backends that can already dete…
Hello Serengil,
Thanks to develop deepface library which is very useful to face recognition tools.
I try to using your ```DeepFace.detectFace``` method since i want to store embedding record to ot…
def load_image_into_numpy_array(data):
return np.array(Image.open(BytesIO(data)))
image1 = load_image_into_numpy_array(await file1.read())
image2 = load_image_into_numpy_array(await file2.re…
I have installed tensorflow-gpu instead of tensortflow after doing pip install deepface. How can I run deepface on a gpu? or be sure that deepface is running on a GPU? DeepFace.verify with 'VGG-Face' …
Thanks again for all of your efforts, I would like to suggest the following improvement to your DeepFace.stream function:
add a detector_backend = 'opencv' parameter just like in DeepFace.find functi…
getting error while choosing detector as retinaface
TypeError('alignment_procedure() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given',)
Why I am getting different results every time I run with same input images and same settings?
I would like to compare the metrics for all of the models, detectors and distance metric available on DeepFace framework on LFW dataset. The problem is, that my code is working only on ArcFace a…
Hi, I am currently working on a project with deepface, trying to replicate your work first, and the image 22 (img22.jpg) is missing from deepface/tests/dataset/. Could you upload it again please?
Im getting the following error while trying to run the stream function: