Trying to convert models with -inf/inf bounds to json fails with
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mkoenig/git/pancreas_model/pypancreas/pancreas/model_factory.py", line 51, in
I am exploring highspy as an opensource alternative to gurobipy.
Which is the current roadmap to improve highspy?
For instance, in Gurobi it is possible to natively use dicts (tupledicts) to create …
We define some convenience methods that make it easy to construct sets and manifold objects corresponding to linear and mixed-integer linear optimization problems.
The ambient space is just a `Comb…
**What version of OR-Tools and what language are you using?**
Version: 9.10.4067
Language: C#
**Which solver are you using (e.g. CP-SAT, Routing Solver, GLOP, BOP, Gurobi)**
I'm very excited about this work! I was wondering if `ImagesLoss` with Sinkhorn divergence would be usable (when it's ready) as a reconstruction loss for an image autoencoder for representation…
- [x] Can we use the `plotly` library to generate all the plots/charts on the website, so that they are interactive?
- [x] Compare Solvers page:
- [x] The first chart (scatter plot): use the same sc…
**What version of OR-Tools and what language are you using?**
Version: 9.10
Language: Java
**Which solver are you using (e.g. CP-SAT, Routing Solver, GLOP, BOP, Gurobi)**
**What ope…
### Question
I am attempting to use Ax to optimize a set of hyperparamters for a computationally expensive function (a potentially long running gurobi model).
The actual setup ist working, howeve…
I download the zip package and unzip it. Then I execute :
python setup.py install
pip3 install qiskit numpy scipy matplotlib networkx
conda install -c gurobi gurobi
conda install -c mosek mosek
(myenv) ~/MERLIN$ python3 src/merlin.py -t data/example/total_matrix.csv -v data/example/variant_matrix.csv -o data/example/
/Users/tgao/MERLIN/src/merlin.py:76: RuntimeWarning: invalid value en…