I've setup a system with ClearLinux (v23640) and ACRN (master@11e997a7) on the UP2 (APL), and connected a fullHD (1920x1080) monitor and a 4K display. The system has also setup so that Weston launches…
In GVT, there is no Download button for the Test Story, Test Data Specification, and Message Content tabs from the Test Step Test Selection or Test Execution screens; only the Example Message …
Add a new tab called 'Profile Validation'
- Uploading profile xml
- Uploading valuesets xml
- Upload constraints xml
Validation will display the report generated by profile-validati…
**VERSION**="18.04.3 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
Product Name: NUC7i7DNKE
Version: J85069-204
Serial Number: DW1703483900155
Family: Intel NUC
**Describe the bug**
I configured nvidia prime offload according to https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nvidia including the offload script.
When I run vkcube, either with or without setting the offload paramet…
/usr/lib/jvm/zulu11.39.15-ca-fx-jdk11.0.7-linux_x64/bin/java -javaagent:/snap/intellij-idea-community/226/lib/idea_rt.jar=34895:/snap/intellij-idea-community/226/bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpa…
Instead of shipping monolithic kernel configs for the UOS and SOS kernels, we should identify what *actually* needs to be enabled for the SOS and UOS, write kernel config fragments for those, and buil…