A thread on the Nikea Slack website started with a request how Bluesky should writefiles that comply with the NeXus [NXsas](https://manual.nexusformat.org/classes/applications/NXsas.html#nxsas) applic…
For a fresh installation of ubuntu-server 16.04.2, the given installation instructions for torch-rnn are insufficient.
The `virtualenv` package needs to be installed along with `python2.7-dev` and …
When running py.test against spacepy there are a huge number of unneeded failures based on how files are referenced.
There is no need for this and it has been corrected for some files in #176 and …
investigate how the size of chunks affects the writing speed (reading is not as important in our case as the result is usually saved). From a quick play with the `--frames-per-chunk` parameter, it can…
Hi, I've just installed xpclr in an anaconda environment using the command specified.
However, when I try to run it on a file generated with vcf_to_hdf5, I get the following error:
(xpclr) [and…
We have a HDF5 file consisting of virtual datasets linking to the data sets in 680 files. We need to hold a reference to each virtual data set. Each reference h5py reference to a virtual data set take…
**Original report ([archived issue](https://labscript-suite.github.io/labscript-suite-bitbucket-archive/#!/labscript_suite/lyse/issues/1)) by Shaun Johnstone (Bitbucket: [shjohnst](https://bitbucket.o…
We would like to have hdf5 support into sage. This will include the C/C++ bindings and also should have the Java bindings.
To obtain HDF5:
## Issue Summary
I found issues with opening some of the "Binned*.mat" files using Python (tried packages like `h5py`, `scipy.io`, and `pymatreader`). When attempting to open the files, I received …
It would be useful to be able to see what's stored inside a hickle archive.