### Describe the bug
#### https error when using webapi with sdk dotnet 8.0.203 on a mac Sonoma 14.4 (x64)
I'm on a mac, Sonoma 14.4
I use the dotnet 8.0.203 SDK (x64)
When I create a webapi…
Hi ovishesh, thanks for this example!
When I build/start the dockerized .NET Core bot, the default web landing page works as expected, but I'm unable to open a connection to the bot in an emulator.…
**What version of gRPC-Java are you using?**
What is your environment?
for Android, grpc verison v1.47.1
Tested with Android 6 to Android 14
app client ManagedChannel = OkHttpC…
I am not able to add package, It worked once and after that stopped working.
Pushing ConfigurationHelper.1.0.1.nupkg to 'http://packages.xxxxxx.com/api/v2/package'...
PUT http://packag…
# Revision
# Description
Went vault hunting, found the lightspeed ship, grabbed what I wanted, and…
I believe QPackEncoder and QPackDecoder currently only support static header compression.
.NET should support dynamic compression to reduce network traffic and potentially save CPU usage spent enco…
I tried using the webinterface while the tool and intiface are running but i always get a 404
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Now listening on: http://[::]:8008
info: ToyWebBridge.…
we have started to receive exceptions in easyauth for our httptriggered functions
we are running azure functions in dotnet6-isolated, i have tried both with the function container and the app-service…