- 목표: 모델 학습을 위한 데이터셋 준비 및 테스트 데이터셋으로 점수 측정
- 결과물 (구체적): 현재 30 GB 단위 데이터 -> KITTI dataset 500MB ~ 1GB 데이터 추리기
- due date: 3월 5일 (목요일)
- 리뷰어: preprossor 담당(덕호님, 유라님)
Thank you for sharing such an excellent work! I have a question about the data. In the test set, only *.bin files are supplied, however, in my option, could *.occluded files also be provided? Thi…
Hi, I am using **waymo-open-dataset/pip_pkg_scripts/build.sh**, however, there exists such errors.
INFO: Build completed, 6 tests FAILED, 21 total actions
By using Vista P60, a command 'sample_lidar_replay' dosn't work on Drive AGX.
I already set such settings below:
sudo ifconfig [if_name] netmask
sudo ./sample_lidar_re…
**Describe the bug**
QGIS crash showing raster symbology in layer properties
**How to Reproduce**
1. add a raster into the project
2. Double click on the added layer to open layer properties
**Describe the bug**
when run '/apollo/bazel-bin/modules/perception/lidar/tools/run_offline_lidar_obstacle_perception.sh' , get the errors of `Get instance GroundService/ROIService/CNNSegmentation fa…
kuixu updated
4 years ago
1. Start QGIS
2. Add OSM basemap
3. Zoom to NZ
4. Type `osm Tio Tio Road Wellington ` and push enter
5. Segfault
Process: QGIS [24669]
Path: /Applications…
Our forestry scans rarely have .dat data, most of which are common data formats such as pcd. How to use your treeseg to directly split the data collected by pcd format forest radar? Thank you!
## Bug report
It looks like something wrong in deserializing LaserScan message once per thousands.
It happens in 30 secs to several mins from launch randomly and /scan message is published in 10h…
Hallo, I want to install 3 RGB kamera in manual_control.py, so i change the code of cameramanger, i want: when I press 1, show the camera RGB (turn -45 degree, yaw=-45), press 2: middle camera(yaw =0)…