**Describe the bug**
Looking back on Grading of WS2021/22 I've noticed annotations not being visible in the Online-Editor but in the list of feedbacks provided by Artemis.
This might be related to…
Create the Activity Diagram For the Specific Usecases
I don't know if there are already supported devices from this company, but this is the one I have: https://www.reuter.com/de-at/paul-neuhaus-q-remote-fuer-q-leuchten-b-38-h-151-t-15-cm-schwarz-a737280…
**Project title**
Character Limit in the text area.
**Project Description**
### The idea behind this project
Like we often upload our photos while filling any online-exam-form.
### How does i…
Would you like to become a maintainer and help out on this project? We'd really appreciate it.
![Puppy dog eyes](http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5ooh7WuPL1rxk0pjo1_250.gif)
I'm going to spe…
Apparently, the main bar won't fill the whole page when on a mobile device.
Hi @LFE89,
thanks first of all for your great RE work on the nello. Sadly after the server shutdown, it is currently not possible any longer to use the nello devices. I would like to dig deeper int…
Can you please share the angular project link.
Create a Class Diagram For the Project