First of all i want to thank you for making such a great plugin in order that people will start making plugins as they should have (including me).
But your mission will not really succeed if people d…
待兼容的型号,可以设置【型号兼容模式】选项为 true 试试。已知需要设置【型号兼容模式】选项为 true 的设备如下:
- [ ] X08C
- [ ] M01
- [ ] X08E
- [ ] X8F
#### The associated forum post URL from `https://forum.rclone.org`
#### What is your current rclone version (output from `rclone version`)?
#### What problem are you are tr…
La nouvelle réglementation APA exige de donner le pays d'appartenance des ressources biologiques.
En résumé, nous sommes maintenant obligés de connaitre le pays d'appartenance (ZEE) d'un échantillon…
## 3月份前端资源分享
#### 1. Javascript
- [使用judge.js做信息判断](https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000004493157)
- [javascript----事件概述](https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000004430888)
- [下一代前端打包工具与tree-shaking](https://…
感谢作者制作好用的工具,今天使用了laravel接入了laravel-pay和composer require yansongda/pay:~3.7.0 -vvv,按照文档配置都提示标题错误【微信返回状态码异常,请检查参数是否错误】,具体错误信息应该怎么样排查呢?
Hi, and thanks for providing your fork.
I see you already added `echo $this->query;` on line 110 in OssnDatabase.
I think, more helpful would be logging the queries into the Ossn error_log file in…
Est-ce qu'il serait possible d'ajouter ce device ?
D'après ce que j'ai lu ici (https://smarthomescene.com/reviews/tuya-zigbee-single-clamp-energy-meter-review/), on doit pouvoir récupére…
- cocos2d-js version:3.6
Steps to Reproduce:
1. I build an anroid apk file, but it run to an android mobile to carsh.I watch device logcat, found the message "Permission Denied:checkComponentPe…