node-gyp rebuild --verbose
gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
gyp verb cli [
gyp verb cli 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe',
gyp verb cli 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\node-gyp\…
hello, pls im having an issue running the program and ive been on it for the past two weeks now. its most likely my lack of knowlegde of how python works. i'v tried tutorials but everything i had trie…
in regards to this crash, that happens with other ai voices:
2024-07-02 14:34:51.2481163 [E:onnxruntime:, sequential_executor.cc:516 onnxruntime::ExecuteKernel] Non-zero status code returned w…
Hello to you all.
I have an issue while launching debugvs.
It display that message 'Need install debugpy: pip3 install debugpy'
While debugpy is allready installed :
>pip3 install debugpy
I get this error when I close the page by clicking on the close icon.
import flet as ft
dosya = open("urun.txt", "a")
def main2(page: ft.Page):
txt_urad = ft.Text("Ürün Adı"…
When attempting to install point-cloud-utils, I get the following error message(s), both as my regular user, and as Admin.
I'm not sure if it's PCU or one of the dependencies causing problems:
utacc updated
4 months ago
In Palette.py @ line 275
PyHelpBrowser.browser.LoadURL(r"C:\Users\Ian-17\Documents\boa test area\HELP work area\python\python work area\python-3.9.17-docs-html\python-3.9.17-docs-html\index.html")
### Describe your issue.
I have a DC motor model in Scipy Statespace (sys) and printing its zeros and poles and compare them to the zeros and poles of the control package in StateSpace (tf_ss) and an…
Error message ist: "ERROR No module named 'asynchat'". Got it fixed with:
pkgin in py312-setuptools py312-pip
pip-3.12 install pyasyncore pyasynchat
Maybe you can add the three depe…
jfqd updated
2 months ago
After run pip uninstall underdogcowboy and run pup install underdogcowboy and try to run uc-agent-flow this error occured.
Pre Release -- Early Access Version..…