There's a small bug in Squared Tabs Classic v.2 theme. Tabs go 1-2 pixels below the tab bar. It's a minor, but a very annoying glitch for me. I posted a screenshot.
I'm not sure how long this has been present but I just noticed this after upgrading to Windows 10, which forces the use of white title bars on all windows. The black tab separators are visible with th…
I'm using ClassicThemeRestorer with FaviconizeTab extension and stylish style:
@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);
.tabbrowser-tabs tab[faviconized="tr…
Today a commit landed on the main Firefox trunk that's caused FireGestures to stop working. I filed [Firefox bug #1189434](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1189434) about it but the Firefo…
I am not sure about this yet (still investigating), but it looks like FF-remote-control stopped working when I got Firefox 31.2.0. I'll post diagnostics when/if I get them.
with newest versions of TST and GM, GM_openInTab does not open as child tab.
In old version, GM_openInTab would make new tab open as child tab but now the new tab opens as a parent tab.
her34 updated
9 years ago
1. Make sure e10s is on
2. Open the Toolbox
3. Selects the DOM panel, nothing is displayed -> BUG
The browser tab also says: Tab crashed
## Short description
firefox 通常版を使うとタブバーの背景がfirefoxのデフォルトのテーマの白基準になるのですが、それとなおかつabout:configからdevtool.themeの色をdarkに変えると"タブを追加"ボタンに関係するcss変数の値がこの値で判断しているため、"タブを追加"ボタンが周りが白の状態でも黒になりUIが悪くなります。
## Steps…
I believe the titlechanged.svg file was missing from commit 442d82134b341b173548c0513b3a46b487ebd967 which changed the style of highlighted tabs.
I have an issue with e10s enabled. When a tab crashes, the tabbar height increases from 28px to 31px.