Chawsum at DeviantArt made some mockups for xnoise's design
Take a look here: the more Muine-ish version
and the one…
I would like to serve block compresseed fasta from remote urls.
A pretty minimal config like:
"refSeqs": "https://legumeinfo.org/data/public/Medicago_truncatula/jemalong_A17.gnm5.MVZ…
Recently introduced in React is the idea of *React Fragments*. When you render a component, the requirement is that you can only return one element and that element can have as many child elements as …
Hello Peter,
Good job in switching to the new Xiami API; we don't need cookies anymore!
I've found some (but not all) songs that can't be pulled. For example:
> xm p 'http://www.xiami.co…
I already subscibed to pro to be able to set everything up but
1. I get the Javascript error on Windows as well, it still displays what is playing on Virtual DJ though
2. The Track list p…
Here is an example that will usually crash:
from midiutil import MIDIFile
import random
R = random.random
degrees = [60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72] # MIDI note number
track = 0
When importing [this release](https://www.discogs.com/release/2026070-Handel-Sutherland-Kirkby-Kwella-Nelson-Watkinson-Bowman-Rolfe-Johnson-Elliott-Partridge-Thomas-The-A) (linked in #4234) the trackl…
Bandcamp has a variety of [embedded players](http://blog.bandcamp.com/2013/06/12/all-new-players-up-twitter-too/) for tracks and albums, and it would be useful for RES to put them under links like wit…
JBrowse: JBrowse-1.12.1
Server: Python 2.7.11
`python -m SimpleHTTPServer`
Chrome: 49.0.2623.87 m (64-…
I have experimented using scheduler codes to create music
clocks. What I am finding is that it takes approximately 5 mins to
create 1 hour with 20 music tracks per hour and approximately 2hrs to