Llevo un tiempo usando Odoo, aunque no tengo mucha experiencia todavía. Al instalar este módulo me ha aparecido un error al añadir nuevos clientes, ya que en muchos casos me rechaza el campo N…
OsmAnd podporuje odosielanie polohy cez parametre v URL:
podporuje parametre:
##### Issue description
With a docker image of ubuntu and installing with
`$ pipenv install --deploy --system --dev`
and executing:
$ pipenv check --system
Checking PEP 508 requirements...
Just noticed that this is not working properly -- more to follow.
I am using Goose on Windows Platform.
Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:18) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> > …
zprovoznil jsem betaverzi automatické kontroly ne/funkčnosti hyperlinků/URL na faktaoklimatu.cz
1. spouští se každý den ve 12:00 z našeho firemního serveru
1. kontroluje jak externí tak …
Najít a zkontrolovat data pro emise CO2eq všech zemí světa.
- [x] zaklikavaci
E aí, galera, beleza?
Boa parte de vocês veio me perguntar sobre traduzir ou não os nomes dos métodos dentro do código. Exemplo:
// Save saves an report to database.
func (r *Report) Sav…
When we use File Based Authorization, we can't query the view
Based on documentation: https://prestodb.io/docs/current/connector/hive-security.html#hive-file-based-authorization
Is this because pr…