Currently it doesn't recognize jxl images.
`The file contains data of an unknown image type`
Right now this desktop environment supports only Ubuntu-based distros, that's really limiting. A native support to other distributions would be really appreciated. In this direction, Arch would probab…
I follow the instructions to execute the following command:
`./vmafossexec yuv420p 576 324 ../python/test/resource/yuv/src01_hrc00_576x324.yuv ../python/test/resource/yuv/src01_hrc01_576x324.yu…
Our appveyor is out of artifact storage as of https://ci.appveyor.com/project/li-zhi/vmaf/builds/34577819. This has happened to me a few times in other repos. It is a real bummer, tbh. Last time this …
Got error in line 69 of Vmaf.py when comparing my MKVs
Very quick and dirty patchwork. If no 'duration' in the 'stream' then take it from the 'format'. It hides the problem instead of solving…
I haven't been using vmafossexec for several years, but before, the output of vmafossexec was printed to the terminal. Now there is several log output options, but how can I get the old behaviour of p…
Steps to reproduce
Follow instructions at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/installing-powershell-core-on-linux?view=powershell-6#ubuntu-1804
If the LCP is an image, it doesn't really make sense to give the same score to a 100 kB AVIF, a 100 kB WebP, and a 100 kB progressive JPEG. The AVIF will only be shown after 100 kB has arrived (it get…
I'm trying to run vmafossexec on Red Hat 7.5 to compute VMAF between source video Johnny_1280x720_60_orig.yuv and decoded video Johnny_1280x720_60_dec.yuv. I received an error "Caught logic_error: arr…
vsrepo could possibly be used to update vapoursynth plugins in staxrip, but without original timestamps, I don't know.
In staxrip the tools dialog shows the timestamps and I find this to be **incre…