**Describe the bug**
When loading 3D objects via FBX loaders from three.js, I can visualize the element when adding it directly to the scene using graphRef.current.scene().add(element);. However, whe…
I'm working on a project in which i want to import a 3d scene file and perform some preprocessing on it and then use the preprocessed information in threejs. ThreeJs and Blender use same naming conven…
3DSSG provides 3D semantic scene graphs for [3RScan](https://github.com/3DSSG/3DSSG.github.io/blob/master/waldjohannau.github.io/RIO). A semantic scene graph is defined by a set of tuples between node…
We propose SceneVerse, the first million-scale 3D vision-language dataset with 68K 3D indoor scenes and 2.5M vision-language pairs. SceneVerse contains 3D scenes curated from diverse existing datasets…
1.TexturePose: Supervising Human Mesh Estimation with Texture Consistency(2019)
Texture map (texel): A corresponding UVmap un-warps the template surface onto an image, A, which is the texture map
Hi! I am currently working on a project about scene understanding and have read your ICCV 2019 paper on 3D Scene Graph. It was quite impressive and appealing. I noticed that this work was built upon y…
# Interesting papers
## 카메라 포즈 찾기의 전쟁?
- [Pan 2024 - Global Structure-from-Motion Revisited](https://lpanaf.github.io/eccv24_glomap/)
- COLMAP의 저자 참여. COLMAP의 global mapping 파트 개선. 일주일 걸리는 …
# 논문 소개
## GenWarp
- https://genwarp-nvs.github.io/
- 1개 이미지 -> 3D Gaussian splatting + Inpainting
### What problem does this feature solve?
I need to move graph slightly up at start like on the second screenshot. Because a lot of space at the top is unused.
This proposal is about adding built-in GLTF support in the browser.
At the W3C workshop on web games, Yasushi Ando conducted a breakout session discussing native support for GLTF in the browser. Hi…