There are a bunch of MQTT sensors pushes that are hidden behind the 'que' flag that seem to be the same in nimbus API for neo. Perhaps the neo has changed over the years, or is there another reason fo…
Hey, I just installed this on my new Actron and it's working great, nice job. 🍻
I was looking to control the individual zone temperatures separately but I don't think that's currently supported? I…
Can I please request an update on this plugin to support V2 - this has become one of most favourite plugins so would be a shame to loose it - kudos to original developer!
**Describe The Bug:**
Target temperature doesnt appear to post to the unit
**To Reproduce:**
Set the device to Heat / Cool / Auto and adjust the target temp
**Expected behavior:**
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Installed the ActronQue plugin and configured to connect to my ActronAir NEO Controller. Error logs show errors with API Validation …
Hi Mike,
Just wanted to submit a feature request of maybe adding a sensor that can display the HTTP status codes of past commands?
Because the Actron Que servers/API are complete crud, most re…
**Describe the bug**
Rooms showing as 0% humidity
**Expected behavior**
Should show humidity
See below
Homebridge Version: latest
Plugin Version: latest
Just a follow up from #10 - you mentioned you'd be looking into ignoring the battery indictor for wired devices. Was this addressed in the latest release?
My system has multiple (n=7) zones. Appears that only the first zone has been detected and registered as an accessory.
Homebridge Version: 1.6.1
Plugin Version: 1.2.13
**Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like**
There is no `midea_ir.follow_me` action equivalent to `midea_ac.follow_me`. The latter works with `midea_ir` devices, however…