This is my own fault and I'm putting this issue here to let you know and implement the fix myself. Actwebsocket flips the order of combatants (low to high) compared to overlayplugin (high to low) I 'f…
I have ACT version 3.3.3, FFXIV ACT Plugin and ACTWebSocket I have set up the plugin as per the instructions of MopiMopi overlay, and it was working fine for months until on…
The scale of the render doesn't seem to be at exactly 100%, I tried the default zoom v…
Click config and nothing pop up. Works fine in version
I know this is more of an enhancement request rather than a bug, but I was wondering if there were any plans to make kagerou work with OBS out of the box rather than having to open dev tools.
Hello there,
I've run into a problem that has been grinding my gears for several hours and for the last few months. I've made a reddit thread about this topic a few hours ago:
I don't know if this is an issue on kagerou or obs, but when I make a browser source to display the websocket, the overlay that displays doesn't carry over the settings from my kagerou websocket. it j…
I tried to input the url into websocket the same way that I do for mopimopi, but it doesn't work.
Would you please let me know how to set it up?
Updated to the latest Hojoring version a couple hours ago and got an "Unhandled Exception" error. Tried anything from downgrading the ACT Plugin to an earlier version, deleting the /anoyetta/ACT folde…
アプリケーション:Advanced Combat Tracker.exe
フレームワークのバージョン:v4.0.30319 説明: ハンドルされない例外のため、プロセスが中止されました…