We're running an ISLE site behind a reverse proxy, and when we save a media resource, it generates a lot of error message[0] when invoking a sub-service. When I dig into any of the subservices, it oft…
rbos updated
2 months ago
So I am able to query the market data API without issue using the example code you provided, but when I try to place a paper trade buy order I get the following error:
I am currently seeing the following in my alpaca logs on release 18.
alpaca_1 | 2022-05-17 18:39:12,543 | WARN | iplestore-index] | EndpointMessageListener | 56 - org.…
Alpaca now supports IOC or FOK orders which cancels if it can't be filled. Not sure if the downstream Alpaca-java supports it but it is in the V2 API. Roboquant has a check which only allows DAY/GTC o…
Null Pointer Exception after the invalid curve probe
└─$ sudo docker run -t tlsscanner -connect www.m10x.de:443 -outputFile result.json
[sudo] …
I just tried to use Java API to get AAPL daily bars, but it seems to return the wrong data that is different from Alpaca python API, which returns the correct data. Wonder if it's a bug or a…
Are there any plans to support alpaca.markets? They have an unofficial Java API at https://github.com/Petersoj/alpaca-java, but it would be nice to be able to use just one interface (knowm XChange).
Right now, we're stuffing the `isNewVersion` boolean under the `object` heading in AS2 messages that get emitted: https://github.com/Islandora/islandora/blob/8.x-1.x/src/EventGenerator/EventGenerator.…
When adding a new media item, immediately after choosing a file (and before saving the form), two events are triggered leading to the following two errors in Alpaca
* `Cannot find JSONLD URL in eve…
Gradle enables Java library authors to specify what dependencies should be transitively exposed to a consumer using the [`api` or `implementation`](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_libra…