A feature that allows users to not just have Joes as currency/net worth. Real-estates would be pre set values. Limited quantity (Example: Northern Island worth 1,000,000 Joes, limited to 1 buy). This …
Just an issue to post some static assets and enjoy GH static hosting.
Normaly, the import views show the expected import format. For example:
However for Fixed Assets -> Assets -> Import, no expected format is provided. See:
### Can we access your project?
- [X] I give permission for members of the FlutterFlow team to access and test my project for the sole purpose of investigating this issue.
### Current Behavior
- [x] build locally
- [x] host docker container somewhere - hosted at https://station-assets-production.up.railway.app/
- [x] assets in client point to station-assets-production.up.railway.app
`HTTP error occurred: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: http://192.***.*.**:*****/api/asset/`
Error occours when i insert the correct network path to server, insert the APi key and trying to creat…
Is it possible to use the filename approach of [expo-assets](https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/asset/) (i.e. source="my-image" instead of souce={require("../my-image.png")}) with app clips? So…
I changed button label to test the release
Currently I'm getting
[WARN] Your app contains asset changes, which will not be included in the patch.
Changed files:
### Steps:
1. Go to swap
2. Open "assets to pay" screen
3. Open "assets to receive" screen
### Actual result:
Assets not sorted by fiat available balance in descending order