### Description
**Now**: `Sampler` is tuned for 12 Tone Equal Temperament (12TET), defined in `#define NOTE_HZ(midiNoteNumber) ( 440.0f * pow(2.0f, ((midiNoteNumber) - 69.0f)/12.0f) )` in CoreSampl…
mahal updated
2 weeks ago
The website of https://www.audiokit.io/AudioKitUI/documentation/audiokitui shows just blank. I'm sorry to have broken it and not followed upon.
### macOS Version(s) Used to Build
macOS 14.4.1
mahal updated
2 weeks ago
Any chance this will get updated to work with AK 5+?
I tried, but it's over my head.
Would you please update code with AudioKit v4.3, the latest version of AudioKit.
### Problem Description
Everything seems to setup (added printouts) but when I enter the aquired IP nothings shows up in any webbrowser. I can hear audiopassing through. The problem is probably in Ti…
Would you have any suggestions on how to adapt this for Audiotkit3?
AudioKitCore cross-platform code removed from AudioKit master branch. So branch v4 of AudioKit submodule is required.
Git logic incorporated into build.gradle does not trigger actual pull action at l…
faust2audiokit does not work for making AudioKit Nodes. Also there is no documentation on how to use this. need help.
AudioKit 5.4.3
我正在使用 AudioKit 中的
public static AudioPlayer PlaySound(AudioClip clip, bool loop = false, Action callBack = null, float volume = 1.0f)
播放某个 UI 音效,此时游戏时暂停的(`Time.timeScale = 0`),传入的 c…
AkSliders in Playgrounds give this error. Which init method shoud I use?
Fatal error: Use of unimplemented initializer 'init(property:value:range:taper:format:frame:callback:)' for class 'AudioKitUI.…