After a deep dive into the Azure IoT realm last fall and winter consisting of lots of reading, I'd like to show you areas where Dapr may fit into the Azure suite of IoT services.
The Azure Well Arc…
**Package:** `azure-communication-callautomation`
**Section link:**
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/python/api/azure-communication-callautomation/azure.communication.callautomation?view=azure-…
On a Beaglebone Black, I want to run some python code making use of this package.
The device is on Debian 11. Using python 3.9
Virtual environment is selected with source activate.
After running …
## Expected Behavior
aziot-edged should not be sending so many requests
## Current Behavior
After half year of using IoT Hub we started getting throttling errors.
Version: 2.17.1
VSCode Version: 1.95.3
Using 'Send D2C Messages' screen to a device. When click send everything in the 'Send D2C Message' is non-functional. Clicking 'Cancel' does nothin…
**Package:** `azure-security-attestation`
**Section link:**
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/python/api/overview/azure/security-attestation-readme?view=azure-python#set-an-attestation-policy-fo…
**Describe the bug**
Azure Event Hub integration does not include 'Custom Properties'.
My Azure IoT Hub is configured to enrich messages with certain tags from the device twin. This works: I can s…
## Expected Behavior
I follow the [System Properties of D2C IoT messages](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messages-construct) table and add a creation time property t…
1. Setup IoT Hub and give yourself Owner and/or Contributor roles
2. Create a device called in IoT Hub
3. ✅ This works:
az login --tenant xyz
az iot hub device-twin show --hub-name 'hu…
When creating an iot device in iothub via azure_rm_iotdevice, there is currently no way to specify the parent device (which has been a feature since 1.2 of iotedge/hub)