docker is not working with npm run local.
I tried to connect to docker image could not connect, i need mysql db connection properties like url, username, password
> banidb-api@2.10.3 docker:star…
implement /health which returns json with ok or error and 200 or 500 status codes depending on up or down.
Please match the implementation in banidb-api.
Currently the bot is broken and doesnt search or do much other than the help message/intro message
Planning two stages of fixing this:
# stage 1:
- fix it as is right now and just make it wor…
Add as an option (Default: on) to core. If the entire issue can be fixed on the frontend then move this issue to core.
- If someone searches Sat Naam it should show results for Satnaa…
kirtanee friendly,
sehaj paath friendly,
nitnem paath friendly,
eyes friendly,
satkaar friendly,
elderly friendly
multilingual friendly (inclusive)
question is
which db to use?
till now …
Prioritized as highest only so it can be moved to ShabadOS github.
We should make sure we apply db updates as sql updates rather than full blown downloads of the db every time we need to update. Th…
- [x] Rehatnama Bhai Desa Singh Ji
- [x] Rehatnama Bhai Prehlaad Singh Ji
- [ ] Rehatnama Bhai Chaupa Singh Ji
all the pair bindis should be found with normal letters
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,
With Waheguru ji's blessings, I have prepared an excel sheet which is Pankti by Pankti (line by line) Hindi translation of Shri Guru Granth Sahib prepar…
Adding [typescript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) has its advantages.