Tengo una duda con las B particiones a usar, en base a lo que entendi, estas particiones de datos se deben de recalcular en cada epoca del entrenamiento, en este sentido ¿los datos que esten en estas …
A very helpful optimization technique that is quite time efficient and even reduces space complexity. It proves to come in quite handy when the gradient descent seems to have a relatively fast learni…
I would like to suggest adding Optimization functions, machine learning and deep learning algorithms in this repository. This can be added in a separate folder called `machine_learning` folder. Furthe…
Currently, we support batch gradient descent (e.g., LogisticRegression), and stochastic gradient descent (e.g., ``SGDClassifier/SGDRegressor``), but we do not support Mini-Batch gradient descent (``SG…
In the pdf it looks like the "Mini batch Stochastic Gradient Descent" explanation is repeated from SGD.
sri9s updated
5 years ago
We should definitely add Stein variational gradient descent ([paper](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2016/file/b3ba8f1bee1238a2f37603d90b58898d-Paper.pdf), [code](https://github.com/blackjax-devs…
The pricing policy has parameters $\theta$s, and our goal is to optimized the simulation in order to produce max profits.
To do so, we need to calculate gradient of objective function(profit) w.r…
In Geron's Github for chapter 5 he includes a Linear SVC implementation with batch gradient descent. If possible, could someone confirm my intuition on the following code:
t = y * 2 - 1 # …
The pyglment package gives different estimated coefficients for linear regression depending on which solver you select (e.g. cdfast or batch-gradient). Neither solver agrees with sklearn (I believe th…
idc9 updated
5 months ago