Since that is what it actually is... ;-)
I have registered a participant with Phoss SMP: `connectivity-partid-qns::dynceftest2party71gw`
If I try to find it on https://acc.edelivery.tech.ec.europa.eu/edelivery-sml/search :
Hello Philip,
I am currently facing difficulty integrating DBNA due to the following error:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk17.0.7_7\bin\java.exe" "-javaagent:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA …
Hi I encountered issue while sending xml message to testbed using oxalis-standalone by running this command
`java -classpath "oxalis-distribution-6.7.0-distro/api/*;oxalis-as4-6.7.0-dist/*;oxalis-…
https://github.com/phax/peppol-commons/blob/master/peppol-commons/src/main/java/com/helger/peppol/smp/ESMPTransportProfile.java is missing `bdxr-as4-1.0#dbnalliance-1.0`
Source: https://github.com/…
phax updated
8 months ago
For the Peppol Transaction Statistics Reporting we need the transport profile that being used. All our participants are set up with profile 'peppol-transport-as4-v2_0' but when I want to extract the t…
Not sure where to make the issue ( vefa-peppol or oxalis-as4 )
We are busy implementing reporting requirements and use the InboundMetaData to collect the transportProfile.
In Oxalis-AS4 , the tran…
### Problem ###
Fail to communicate with SMK/SML when trying to register the SMP, delete SMP, create Services Groups, etc... with the following error:
**TLDR;** \
`HTTP transport error: javax.net…
We did decide to implement Peppol AP. We need to be able send and receive Peppol Documents.
PS C:\oxalis-standalone-as4> javac --version
javac 11.0.19
PS C:\Program …
I'm having troubles upgrading from 5.7.0 to 6.0.5.
Looks like the new version is having trouble reading some of the configuration values.
There is a message saying the Certificate configuration…