write a script that after all the benchmarks run take a look at all of the benchmarks and average and stuff
Currently, the repository supports a single benchmark, MQT-TZ, which limits the scope of specification evaluation.
It would be valuable to support additional benchmarks.
Candidates to consider for…
I think we can probably make some useful plots/do data analysis on our current benchmarking to understand performance bottles necks (especially when comparing different AD backends).
pkg/ccl/benchccl/rttanalysisccl/rttanalysisccl_test.TestBenchmarkExpectation [failed](https://teamcity.cockroachdb.com/buildConfiguration/Cockroach_Ci_TestsAwsLinuxArm64_UnitTests/17963121?buildTab=lo…
Hi!Thank you so much for developing and maintaining a great tool.
Can you tell me how to obtain input files in benchmark testing?
For example,“/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/cbravo/Multiomics_pipelin…
I'm working on a [C++ implementation of Plutus](https://github.com/sierkov/daedalus-turbo/tree/main/lib/dt/plutus) aimed at optimizing batch synchronization. We'd like to benchmark our implementation …
I would like to add another benchmark to the repository to support additional workloads for comparison. The TPC-H benchmark is used by different partners for comparison so we can enable the execution…
I'm working on a [C++ implementation of Plutus](https://github.com/sierkov/daedalus-turbo/tree/main/lib/dt/plutus) aimed at optimizing batch synchronization. We'd like to benchmark our implementation …
Command-line: $ esbmc --no-div-by-zero-check --force-malloc-success --state-hashing --add-symex-value-sets --no-align-check --k-step 2 --floatbv --unlimited-k-steps --no-vla-size-check tdg_servtd_wr__…
I'm working on a [C++ implementation of Plutus](https://github.com/sierkov/daedalus-turbo/tree/main/lib/dt/plutus) aimed at optimizing batch synchronization. We'd like to benchmark our implementation …