Implement a bi-directional LSTM or GRU-based transcription model with a CTC loss function.
Thanks for your work.
I was wondering if you could provide the model files from the paper. :)
In the bi-lstm example, use outputs[-1] as the output of bi-lstm. I think it's wrong to do so. Because the outputs of rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn is depth-concatenated, which means outputs of bw_lstm…
Is it possible to implement a bidirectional LSTM just by changing parameter 'bidirectional = True' in the code?
Please let me know if this works.
If you open a GitHub issue, here is our policy:
1. It must be a bug, a feature request, or a significant problem with documentation (for small docs fixes please send a PR instead).
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Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) system was defined as a combination of different frameworks and works based on analyzing audio signals to identify emotions. We can use one or combine other parts to r…
구글 콜라보레이터에서 양방향 LSTM을 작업시도하면 RAM이 최대치에 도달해서
강제로 런타임이 중지되지 않던가요??
이 문제 때문에 Python Jupyter Notebook에서 작업을 했더니
![스크린샷 2020-02-25 오전 7 30 05](https://user-images.githubuserconte…
Thanks for your implements of DKT model.I change your model as LSTM and other version.They are all work well. But when i change LSTM function(only change **Bidirectioanl=True** and **hidden_size * 2**…
# lstm_output : [batch_size, n_step, n_hidden * num_directions(=2)], F matrix
def attention_net(self, lstm_output, final_state):
batch_size = len(lstm_output)
### Issue Title: Implement Infosys Stock Prediction using Bi-LSTM with Conv-1D
#### Description:
Develop a project to predict Infosys stock prices using a Bi-LSTM model combined with Conv-1D. The …