#2067 got us binary heaps, which is super cool. It also got us a small number of scheduling transactions, such that the binary heap plus a scheduling transaction over it obeys the same interface as ou…
#1999 motivates the need for a general PIFO. It also discusses a made-up strategy for implementing such a PIFO. It leaves on the table, however, another straightforward solution: binary heaps.
## Description
Implement a Binary Heap class that inherits from the already implemented nary Tree class.
### TODO
- [ ] Insert and delete nodes
- [ ] Comparator functionality
📍 스터디 날짜 : 2023년 2월 8일
There's a logical error in the binary heap for removing an element. Pretty sure I'm gonna redo it anyways but still good to point out for reference.
The binary heap code looks like it was written by someone learning C++ coming from Python. The proposed code below is more idiomatic C++. I also demonstrated functionality hiding (percUp, percDown…
It would be nice to change the max heap usage of the searcher in memory constrained environments like a cluster login node (which was killing helix when searching through large projects)
I posted […