i have a project that i want to use NRF24L01,Arduino nano and MQTT-SN
so i wonder that can i use this on NRF24L01?
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I found this blogpost http://blog.ptsecurity.com/2016/06/phd-vi-how-they-stole-our-drone.html?showComment=1465942106913#c5816700951199608274 and…
I don't throw the "bug" label around lightly, but I've been racking my brain and triple checking the datasheet. This actually relates to #496 as it would only happen when the uint8_t array `pipe0_read…
This is not really an issue, but I find the use of RadioHead a bit of overkill for such a simple protocol, and I'm also concerned that potentially RadioHead adds additional data to the start and…