作者您好我在使用BTCV数据集输入python ./data/synapse/ni12format.py命令时出现了这个问题 请问您该怎么解决呢?感谢您的回复。
Is there any pre-processing code for the BTCV dataset available now?
python train_3d.py -net sam2 -exp_name BTCV_MedSAM2 -sam_ckpt ./checkpoints/sam2_hiera_small.pt -sam_config sam2_hiera_s -image_size 1024 -val_freq 1 -prompt bbox -prompt_freq 2 -dataset btcv -data_pa…
Hello, thank you so much for your wonderful work! Can you provide a data set download link?
Hi author,
I was a little bit confusing about the test configuration for BTCV. I found in your code when you load the test data, you used the following augmentation/transforms:
reference on [MONAI/BTCV](https://github.com/Project-MONAI/research-contributions/tree/main/UNETR/BTCV) get NAN loss.
Network HyperParamter:
`model = SlimUNETR(in_channels=args.in_channels,
Excuse me. When I reproduce the work to train on the provided [preprocessed data](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uk8cOQsX7VQBQxnwQRRtfLT-rhX4q7PD/view?usp=drive_link) of BTCV dataset. I didn't make …
Hello, how is the BTCV training set divided, and can you directly use the original dataset without data preprocessing?
I use the list of BTCV training datasets below and get an error.
In utils/data_utils.py
test_transform need label