This lesson should be updated to the new Carpentries workbench format. There's a tool to automate this available from https://github.com/carpentries/lesson-transition#readme
I spoke to @tompollard who is the core maintainer of https://github.com/carpentries-incubator/machine-learning-neural-python.
That lesson takes a different angle to deep learning, focusing on comp…
### What is the problem?
https://carpentries.org/connect/ link is broken - looks like the carpentries.org website has been revamped recently and this page does not exist any more. It should contain i…
(From https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/governance/lesson-program-policy.html#phase-2-incubation)
_Goal: to ensure consistency with existing lesson program governance, and accountability f…
Creating a fork over there will be very worthwhile, but it's worth addressing existing known improvements before having people add to t…
Ideally we should move this lesson the carpentries incubator, it will help make the lesson more visible and have more impact.
You can submit it by opening an issue [through this link](https://githu…
[Goal 1](https://github.com/carpentries/strategic-plan/blob/master/STRATEGIC-PLAN.md#goal-1-build-regional-and-local-capacity-to-empower-sustainable-communities) is to _**Build regional and local capa…
There is a new template for carpentries style lessons. It would be nice to upgrade. The template can be found here: https://github.com/carpentries/workbench-template-md
More information is availabl…
Ideally we should move this lesson the carpentries incubator, it will help make the lesson more visible and have more impact.
You can submit it by opening an issue [through this link](https://githu…