Dear, developers
Hmm... I have the problem there are no such directories and command not found, I can't figure it out. I am using this script in a package with a full cenote-taker2 installation.
i just ran cenote-taker2, and this came up:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/Public/software/cenote-taker2/Cenote-Taker2/run_cenote-taker2.py", line 72, in
args = parser.parse_…
Hi Mike,
Recently, I ran cenote-taker2 and blastn against nt database & diamond against nr database with the contigs assembled by Megahit. I found that about 10000 sequences were classified as viruse…
Hi Mike,
Thank you for Cenote-Taker2! However, I am facing a problem when i run the commond:
`python ~/miniconda3/bin/Cenote-Taker2/run_cenote-taker2.py -c ~/hxj/depth_analysis/raw_data_2/contig_meg…
I am trying to install "_cenote-taker2_" on our HPC system for a local research group.
I downloaded all databases and dependencies using the commit from 03/26/2020.
I did a test run you hav…
Hi Mike,
Thank you for Cenote-Taker2! It is doing a great job with our datasets.
Question: There is no locus_tag or gene_id in our output gbf files - is there an option to include this? Or an easy w…
This is less of an issue, and more of a feature.
I am using cenote-taker2 to annotate some manually curated contigs. It seems keen to annotate proteins as short as 30AAs that lack any homology to r…
Hi Mike,
Whenever I try to run the conda env create --file cenote-taker2_env.yml command I get the ResolvePackageNotFound error. To deal with this I tried to download bbtools from the website itsel…
Hi Mike,
Thank you for Cenote-Taker3! We liked Cenote-Taker2 and are excited to explore your update. In our early runs we've noticed some examples of extra-long regions (>2,000,000 bases) being in…
I run sunbeam on Linux but I got this message"run_cenote-taker2.py: error: argument --cenote-dbs: expected one argument