I collected the list of predicates in the 2024-10-19 dataset and compared to the triples referenced in Backend v1.27.0's configurations. All configured predicates exist in the dataset 🎉. The intent …
See https://gitlab.isl.ics.forth.gr/cidoc-crm/cidoc_crm_rdf/-/tree/master/7.1.3 for current CRM ontology.
It neither defines the following CRM classes as RDF classes:
- E59 Primitive Value
- E6…
Op de entiteit Activiteit is er de mogelijkheid om een label property toe te voegen met een (typed) literal als object.
`nfdi4objects.rdf` should not redefine CRM classes but at most reference them with a single statement, e.g.
Everything else (labels, subclasses, notes...) about CRM classes should …
In EDM: http://www.cidoc-crm.org/rdfs/cidoc-crm#P80_end_is_qualified_by
In DM2E: http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P80F.end_is_qualified_by
We should change our CIDOC-CRM namespace to fit the one by…
Many of the things that get claimed (statements) require more than one triple/STAR object (assertion) in the data models we are using. Each of these assertions will have the same authority and source.…
See recent paper https://doi.org/10.11141/ia.64.12 and RDF data in CRM at http://openarchaeo.huma-num.fr/
Het gaat over dit: https://coghent.github.io/IIIF%20Manifests/#comunica
PREFIX prov:
PREFIX cidoc:
?s a cidoc:E22_Man-Made_O…
This obviously is not an issue which can be resolved for RiC-O 1.0.
With LRMoo (fka FRBRoo) there exists a comparable effort to create an ontology implementing the IFLA Library Reference Model. LRM…