I can provide touch screen support next year year also.
Use Cinemachine instead of current AIO FPS Library for the first-person controller (see [Fontainebleau Demo](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/FontainebleauDemo/) for an example). This is a step i…
Adjust the cinemachine camera to better fit the bird-eye view
Would need to get a part of the Cinemachine package working. This would limit how far the player camera would push past the scene/playable area.
Player feed-back on damage, or particular movement.
It would be nice, if the pixel perfect camera could be used with Cinemachine's Virtual Camera.
Our combat system would be a zoomed in version of the combat space on the board, with the player and the enemy on the screen at the same time. As a result, I'm making some camera work with cinemachine…
janky in places, can modify map/camera bounds for less weird snapping and better tracking for small rooms. idk what the issue is there,
Can use curves and stuff for transitioning.
I am trying to combine the 3d system with Cinemachine (in Unity 2022.3.4f1). However, if I attach the script it to the main camera, Cinemachine does not work, and if I attach the script to the virtual…
https://www.youtube.com/c/iHeartGameDev/videos - рекомендуемые туториалы можно найти здесь
Необходимо разработать пригодное top-down управление камерой