# The Problem
- Descriptive links are required for accessibility (see BirkbeckCTP/hourglass#338)
- Citation styles, initially developed for print, often include the full URL rather than a descriptiv…
Hello, thanks for this very useful filter!
Using Quarto in R, I wondered if it could be possible to generate two different bibliographies with two different .csl styles (for example, one main bibli…
It should be easy to integrate other citation styles. The current style is [1] [2] ... If you like to have other styles like [Giffin 2012] show you interest here and I will try to add them
## Context
The iSAQB curricula (Foundation Level, Advanced Level) and related documents (iSAQB Glossary, exam preparation materials) currently use inconsistent bibliography styles.
I would like to change the citation style to a different format. For example in one of the styles mentioned [here](https://pitt.libguides.com/citationhelp). In the project, is there some setting to ch…
JOSS is using a modified APA style, so it might make sense to add the style to the official [Citation Styles Language repository](https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles). @arfon
Hi Lars,
Really nice project! I had an idea about how to distribute CSL citation styles/locales in an NPM-friendly world, as very simple NPM packages. I set up a [repo to produce these](https://gi…
Currently the citations in the auto-generated bibliography on HTML don't have support for multiple styles. For example, changing between the citation styles of different journals. We should expose thi…
I would like to request an update for the following citation styles: **Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (Português - Brasil) and Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (note, Portu…
I'm trying to include numbered citations (https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/blob/master/springer-basic-brackets-no-et-al.csl) into my Quarto project, which includes multiple .qmd…