### 问题描述
### 环境信息
- OS信息: Windows 10
- JDK信息: Openjdk 17
- 版本信息:Fastjson 2:2.0.52
### 重现步骤
Currently it's necessary to convert downloaded LOD2 data to geoJSON first to use it with the software as problems were encountered with shape-files. This issues needs to be resolved for a userfriendly…
Hello everyone,
if I want to reproject a file with the "rerpoject" command, the following error is shown:
[12:26:22 WARN] The input file uses unsupported non-CityGML namespace(s): http://www.sig…
Hello Developers,
I realised that the gml ID of semantic objects (e.g. RoofSurface, WallSurface, InteriorWallSurface etc) are dropped when converting from CityGML 2 to 3 using this tool despite bei…
Hi, the 3dcitydb ecosystem looks great, but it might be hard to present it to cities that don't have a cityGML dataset already. Similar to 2D, the OpenStreetMap project comes to rescue :wink: and migh…
I think it would be a fantastic feature to add support to export Citygml files for use with projects like 3dcitydb !
It occurs to me that some addresses may not have a state or locality (actually, I'm not sure this is true). It might be necessary to allow address without one or both of these. This will require a bit…
I tried to convert a CityGML file to CityJSON with _citygml-tools_ where the buildings may have multiple functions, but since building attributes in CityJSON are all string types, only the first funct…
When we are generating citygml files we should add a quick verification step which opens up the newly written citygml files and attempts to verify them before moving on to the next file as sometimes f…
# ゼミ論中間発表リスト
[富士山の3Dモデル生成に特化したPythonライブラリの開発プロジェクト (2).pdf](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/17812014/3D.Python.2.pdf)