Metabase is fantastic and I try to apply it in my projects, but some use Cloudant as a database, which is not supported today. Is it possible to have support in a future release?
When initializing the Cloudant connection via IAM authenticator getting following error at random instances every day.
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='iam.cloud.ibm.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded…
The documentation is constantly referencing service without actually ever defining it.
I'd like the examples to actually show what is meant by service.
Here is an example:
import {
It works with couch but I couldn't make it work with cloudant. Is there an example?
## Abstract
Only some files are synced on new install. When attempting to sync I get the error message: `Replication error`
## Expected behaviour
- Synchronisation ends with the message `Replicat…
## selector
[各种操作符的详细文档 Query](https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/cloudant_query.html#explicit-operators)
文档在github上的地址(最新文档): https://github.com/IBM-Bluemix-Docs/Cloudant/bl…
when i open the Cloudant service instance
this is massage error : dashboard.cloudan…
The read.md file says:
> Now, fly.io has become not free. Fortunately, even though there are some issues, we are still able to use IBM Cloudant. Here is [Setup IBM Cloudant](https://github.com/vrtm…
Facni updated
4 months ago
The original cloudant node is [node-red-node-cf-cloudant](https://github.com/lgfa29/node-red-node-cf-cloudant) by @lgfa29. This is the node included in the Node-RED Starter App on IBM Cloud.
There …
Add as endpoints in the shared listener scenarios
CouchDB - 1.6.1
Cloudant - latest stable