Please complete the following information about the language:
- Name: SPARQL
- Website: https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/
- Language Version: 1.1
The following are optional, but will help…
Below are a list of potential duplicate katas that should be tackled upon. I decided to post these here instead of the list so that mods or any PU are not overwhelmed by the amount of content and mixi…
La segunda kata para seguir programando en python...
La cuarta Kata: Alphabet War
A snippet with module forbidder.
> These kata implements quite hard-to-bypass module forbidding in python:
> * https://www.codewars.com/kata/5c9a6e225ae9822e70abc7c1
> * https://www.codewars.…
Kata de la semana 8 ... subimos a nivel 6
# CodeWars Python Solutions
## Simple validation of a username with regex
Write a simple regex to validate a username. Allowed characters are:
* lowercase letters,
* numbers,
* under…
Ver: https://github.com/eflipe/python-exercises/blob/master/codewars/kata_24_repeat_2.py