Real-time video streaming is great, but for any sort of photography, videography, or photogrammetry mission, recording full-resolution still images (or video) is an absolute necessity.
It's obvious…
Instead of downloading all the mission from the drone to check that they are in sync it would be much faster if the mission started with a checksum item. As far as I can see there is no such thing at …
# The EDS, a self-bootstrap large scale industry in deep space
## Abstract
> 包含学术研究类文章摘要的四要素:研究目的、方法、结果、结论;综述类的文章,应涵盖该领域的主要成果和研究进展,提出作者的观点和见解,指出这一主题继续研究的方向......(8.5 Pt宋体)
I have seen this situation recursively. Multi GCS configurations where the "request control" functionality is needed.
Right now, if the autopilot supports it by a parameter or similar, like Ardupil…
Exchanging mavlink messages via a wireless link is obviously one of the most crucial application of mavlink. These links are characterized by lossiness and limited data rate, in contrast to ground- or…
The point raised here is touching the heart of the concept.
A key part of the concept is - in my understanding - the ability to handle multiple parties, which may want to control the gimbal. Examp…